Key Feature "snap back to previous value"

Homepage Forums Discussion PULL New Feature Requests Key Feature "snap back to previous value"

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  • #5752

    Hello i just bought Pull and its just amazing.
    Just what i was looking for ages.
    This is sooo next level !

    But its missing an important Feature i loved to use in Touchable all day:

    Lock all faders and knobs, so that if you move them, they snap back to the previous value on finger release.

    This way you can tweak around in your plugin without messing up your preset.
    This opens up a whole new way to be creative and find out new things.

    please implement this function with like a button somewhere on every template where u can enable “snap back” to all controls

    Here the example how its done in Touchable ->

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by endogen.

    Yes, this is possible in a future update. However, it would need to be done inside max, because it wouldnt be efficient inside Lemur. We will look at it and see if its something we can implement soon.


    hoawdwag awdkaw adw

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