Live 9.7

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    should pull work in Ableton 9.7 ?


    Yes, it works fine and doesn’t need to be updated for each new version of live because its mostly written in Max and not the Python API.


    i installed older java from the link provided in the notification inside the pull device.
    now it works, well somewhat; if i click on the max icon it opens max and immediately closes the window, is this normal?
    where am i supposed to read the parameter names and min/max values? where is this “max window”.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by endogen.

    ok i found it now, right click title bar :/
    there are 2 messages constantly spammed every 2 seconds in the max window:
    udpreceive OSC expected type string. Dropping message for address /lemur
    udpreceive OSC expected type string. Dropping message for address /hostname

    then there is my main issue with this:

    if i switch preset in diva the faders i mapped do not update to the right value, they move but not where they should be.
    is this a OSC issue? any workarounds ? can i use midi instead of OSC ?


    Hi endogen, if you press the refresh button, it should update all the controls. This is just in case you have a slow wifi connection, or the connection drops OSC.

    It’s not going to be possible to use Midi instead of OSC, we’ve tried to implement it and it’s just not possible at this time.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by xmonsta.
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